Welcome to City Vibes D.C.!


It’s been a long time coming –

but I have finally taken the leap of faith for the second time (#longstory) and I purchased my official domain and created a real website or blog. So welcome to “City Vibes D.C.” and thank you for taking the time to visit! The purpose of this blog is to explore everything wonderful and amazing about D.C. well DMV to be exact. No, I don’t mean the Department of Motor Vehicles, for those of you who don’t know DMV also stands for DC-Maryland-Virginia.

City Vibes is your one stop shop for eateries, bars, cultural sites, and nightlife events. Highlighting the coolest, most unique places in the Washington metropolitan area! There are so many things this area has to offer and uncover, why don’t you join the ride? Ultimately, the purpose of this blog to be a community sharing their love for food, booze and cultural.

Who am I you ask? My name is August and I am the Blogger-in-chief! I am a native New Yorker and have been getting lost in the D.C. charm for 5 years now (April 20th is my anniversary). My, has time flown by! I have been a part-time blogger since 2013 believe it or not but I finally decided to take it serious or give it up, so here we are. Don’t forget to check out the About section for more about me.

To help with launching this new site I have launched a #Love4DC campaign. I am looking for all the reasons why you love D.C, I can start with my story on how and why I fell in love with D.C.

Many moons ago, a bright-eyed 23-year-old New Yorker found herself in a runt. 
The year was 2013 she had just graduated 8 months ago with a Political Science 
Bachelor’s Degree from CUNY – Hunter College (Go Hawks!) and was working as an 
intern at a political consulting firm and a cocktail waitress at a cool downtime bar 
named Croxley’s Ale. As you can imagine America was still feeling the effects of the
2008 Recession and the job market looked bleak. 

The young woman asked herself: Was this it? 
Was this what it meant to be an adult? 
Where was she supposed to go from here? 

Through the suggestion of her beloved sister and her own aspirations she applied 
to be a security officer at the airport but knew she wanted a fresh start. 
So instead of applying for the local airports JFK or LGA, she applied for 
airports in the DC area with the hopes of one day becoming a high-level government 

Within 4 months she was interviewed, hired and moving to a whole new city. 
She had travelled before and lived in Brazil for a couple of months but nothing 
like this. She was officially leaving her mother’s nest to be her own woman…. 

And there it was in all its glory, the national monuments of American history 
mixed in with modern architecture – there was a dash of southern hospitality 
but still had the hustle and bustle of a busy city. Everything she loved about 
New York without the smell, sewer stream and honking yellow cabs. 

She found her new home and was ready to conquer it!

4 Reasons why I love Washington D.C:

  • Historical Hub of U.S: The skyline is filled with national monuments, no they are not beautiful shiny skyscrapers but its American History!
  • Proximity: You are in the middle of everything! You can be in three very different states within 10 minutes and they all have a lot to offer. Downtown DC, Virginia wine country not to mention hour away from Baltimore and 4 hours away from Virginia Beach or my hometown of New York City.
  • Political playground/Capital Region Pride or Smugness: American politics are happening in your own front yard! I know this may seem like a negative but I find it extremely hilarious that this area takes social status very serious. The question: What do you do is no laughing matter.
  • My First Home: The last reason is very personal to me but this place is my first home away from home that carries very sentimental value to me.

Go ahead share your story below:

  • Are you a D.C. native? If, not why did you move here?
  • What do you love about D.C.?
  • What keeps you in D.C.?