Virginia is for Wine Lovers?! who knew?

This summer I told myself I’d like to try doing more outdoorsy type stuff, I created an epic summer bucket-list. During my extensive research I found out Virginia has a lot of rich history, tobacco, natural swimming holes (an idea is brewing there) and vineyards. There are two things I can’t pass up, a great glass of wine and a cold pint of beer. So it dawned on me why not visit as many vineyards in Virginia as possibly can! Let us see what the Commonwealth has to offer; sounds like a great idea right?


When you think of Wine Country the first places that pop into your mind is definitely California, and Italy, and maybe New York if you are familiar with the wine niche. I’d consider myself a wine drinker and yet I have no idea Virginia was tied with Texas as the fifth-largest wine-grape-growing state (I also didn’t even know Texas made wine like that either). I’m obviously a wine novice, nowhere near a Master Sommelier.


In the last 40 years the wine making business in Virginia has gotten sort of a revival – a rediscovery of its roots in the wine industry. I mean what state can say that Thomas Jefferson use to grow grapes there. That shows how serious the wine history in Virginia is. I plan to take advantage of it these next summer months; I will be swirling, sniffing, sipping, and savoring my way through Virginia’s wine country and I hope you can join me!

Have you ever been to a vineyard/ winery in Virginia? Any recommendations?