Travel Destination Highlight: Espana!

Everyone loves a good bit of trivia or little known facts! This week’s Travel Destination Highlight is Spain!

Did you know?

Madrid is not only the capital of Spain; it is also the geographical center of the country. For the U.S. that would be northwest of the center of Lebanon, Kansas, approximately 12 miles (19 km) south of the Kansas–Nebraska border. Weird right!

  • The ‘Tomatina’ (the world’s biggest food fight) and the ‘Running of the Bulls’ (six bulls chase people) are two of the most famous Spanish festivals.
  •  Nudity is legal in Spain: Unlike other countries in the Mediterranean coast, Spain is known for providing nude beaches.
  •  Another fun fact about Spain is that it has 44 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Only Italy and China have more. Probably the most famous UNESCO World Heritage Site is the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona. This building was begun to build in 1882 and is believed to be finished in 2026.
  •  Although Spanish is the majority language, Spain has 4 co-official languages. They are Catalan, Basque, Galician and Aranese​.

Have you ever been to Spain? What was your favorite city? What is your favorite thing to do in Spain: restaurant, bar, market places or live music?