Tag: travel industry

Blog, Blog post, City Vibes TV, Travel

Travel Hotspot: South Florida, Miami

Looking for a quick weekend gateway? South Florida is always a good option and Miami Beach is the best place to be. Check out 5 neighborhoods in Miami you want to visit during your weekend trip! South Beach – There’s Miami-Dade County, Miami Beach and then there’s South Beach. The number one place to be […]

Blog, Blog post, City Vibes TV, Travel

City Vibes “Share a place”

I know that we are all “grounded” due to coronavirus but sometimes it is still fun to reminiscence your greatest, most memorable travel adventures. Drop a comment and the name only TWO of your favorite travel destinations! Share a memory or the reason why you loved it there? Was it the food, culture or arts? […]

Travel, Uncategorized

Travel Destination Highlight – Colorado

Destination Highlight – Colorado: This week’s highlight is local! One of the best U.S. states I’ve visited. I would definitely recommend visiting Colorado! Check out 5 cool things about this centennial state! In the southwest corner of Colorado, the state borders three others, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. This is quite the phenomenon as it’s […]