Tag: city vibes travel

Blog, Blog post, Travel

City Vibes Survival Guide: Long Flights

Tip 1. Take Multiple Covid Exams “Rather be safe than sorry”. If you plan on traveling, internationally take multiple covid exams prior to your departure. My Christmas trip quickly turned sour when traveling from New York to Dubai with a layover in Amsterdam. Upon my arrival in Amsterdam, my covid test taken only 48 hours prior […]

Blog, Blog post, Travel, Trends

7 Summer travel products that are a must buy!

Summer officially started earlier this week and we are entering into a post COVID-19 travel surge. “The volume is expected to near pre-pandemic levels, according to AAA. It’ll be the second-highest year for Independence Day travel, trailing behind 2019 numbers.” This means many Americans have their bags packed to take off somewhere! It is nice […]

Blog, Blog post, City Vibes TV, Travel

Travel Hotspot: South Florida, Miami

Looking for a quick weekend gateway? South Florida is always a good option and Miami Beach is the best place to be. Check out 5 neighborhoods in Miami you want to visit during your weekend trip! South Beach – There’s Miami-Dade County, Miami Beach and then there’s South Beach. The number one place to be […]

Blog, Blog post, City Vibes TV, Travel

City Vibes “Share a place”

I know that we are all “grounded” due to coronavirus but sometimes it is still fun to reminiscence your greatest, most memorable travel adventures. Drop a comment and the name only TWO of your favorite travel destinations! Share a memory or the reason why you loved it there? Was it the food, culture or arts? […]