Solo Travel Tips for Women

International Women’s Day was yesterday so I thought it would be great to shout out all the brave strong and independent women in the world! SHOUT OUT!

Additionally, I thought since traveling may be coming back in style this year, I wanted to share 5 tips on how women can travel solo. Of course, every country and location is different but these 5 guidelines will always keep you safe.  

  1.  Plan, plan, plan, plan: I can’t say this enough plan accordingly. No, you don’t have to be like me an OCD travel planner but when traveling alone being prepared is always best. Plan out your outfits, plan out your excursions and make a tentative itinerary with room for hiccups and transportation. The reason why this is helpful is because it will save you time and money. It’s always better to be over prepared vs not.
  2. Blend in, example – learn some of the local language: This tip definitely depends on where you go. If you are traveling somewhere very popular and tourist friendly you won’t need to think about it as much. However, if you are going international or to a remote place it is always best to learn some of the basic language or dress the part. For example, in the U.A.E wearing shorts way above your knees is fine in the hotel or tourist area but in local neighborhoods it is discouraged.  Additionally, you don’t want to be flashing diamonds, Louis Vuitton bags or any other valuables when traveling alone in a foreign country. This leads to my next tip.
  3. Protect your valuables – documents, cards and cash: This may be the most important tip, please protect your documents. When traveling alone there is less options for a back up plan. You don’t want to be stranded without your essential documents or money and credit cards. Use the hotel safe, save credit card numbers in a hidden Notes app, keep duplicate copies of ID and passports.
  4. Do most of your activities during the day and don’t over drink: Look, I am a party girl and drinker, I LOVE to have a good time but know your limits. Traveling alone you don’t have a safeguard or someone to take care of you so don’t over do it. Simple.
  5. Be open to meeting new people and locals however but be cautious: A special part of traveling alone is that you are more open to meeting new people and that is so much fun! I have met lots of people traveling alone and stayed in contact with them or just had a blast while on vacation. However, not everyone you meet has the best intentions, always keep that in mind and pay attention to your surroundings.

Being mindful of these 5 simple travel times will help your solo adventure be more enjoyable, fun, cost-effective and memorable! Don’t forget to bring your tripod and remote shutter button to create some great flicks! Safe travels!