Round 2: Old way of life vs. Covid-19 aka “La Rona”

Day 30 of Quarantine and I think we have come to the sad realization that coronavirus isn’t just the like the “flu” or that it will not just “disappear like magic”. We are in the thick of it and life will NOT back to normal. We are faced with walking into a new frontier, the post-coronavirus world will be very different from the one we use to know. Here are some things that will be forever changed and even worse gone forever:

  • Social: Handshake, kissing and hugging. At least until there is a cure or vaccine.
  • Social: Walking outside without a mask, Masks are a must!
  • Food industry: All-you-can-eat Buffet style restaurants. Check out this mind-blowing study on how fast Covid-19 can spread at a buffet.
  •  Travel: Hostels, Airbnbs’ and couch-surfing. Not sure what the future holds…
  •  Travel: Cruise ships. This has been the epicenter of crazy Covid-19 stories and infections rates.
  • Cultural: Festival, Mega-cons, concerts and sport events. Who knows what this will look like? Can you imagine social distancing at Coachella?
  • Work Life: Huge shift towards to teleworking and away from communal work-share offices and desks.
  • School: Education is now 100% virtual learning.
  • Dating! Virtual video chat dates are now a thing!

Can you think of other things that will change post-coronavirus? What about things that coronavirus helped to get rid of, like people standing too close for no reason!

            During this time however, many of us have been quarantine with our significant others, children and noisy neighbors. We have been staring at our phones, the tv and the same four walls for over a month now. Social media has really gone off the deep end when it comes to quarantine memes and making TikTok videos.

What have you been up to during quarantine? Getting fat, working out, cooking more, eating more, self-care & mental health or day-drinking and tiktoking? This is a judgement free zone so – DO YOU BOO!