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Vacation Time: Dubai

I wanted to recap a few trips that I did pre-City Vibes blog. No point in missing out on a great blog post because it had last year! The funny thing about the United Arab Emirates or UAE is that I’ve been there a couple of times. The first time I went I had the […]

Blog post, Street Style

Vacation Style: Cali Love

When it comes to roaming the street of California you need to be comfortable yet style. Check out my 5 travel tips on packing for a short weekend gateway and see my favorite Cali look below! Jacket: Forever 21, $15 (on sale) Graphic Tee: N/A (closet) White Jeans: N/A (closet) Shoes: Ross, $34.99 (*Fun fact* […]

Blog post, Street Style

Vacation Style: Desert Vibes

Dubai is one of my favorite places in the world, I have been there a number of times and plan to visit more. It helps that my sister live in Abu Dhabi, shout out to her and check out her Instagram @PasspotNeeded she’s the most stylish person I know! For this edition of street style, […]

Blog, Exploring D.C.

Dockless in the District

Ever see those weird dockless scooters laying around The District or people dressed in business casual attire oddly whizzing by on an electric scooter? Well, according to several news sources, it’s about to get much weirder! D.C. is increasing the number of businesses that are permitted to house dockless scooters around the city. Here’s the […]