Five weekend gateway packing tips!

1. Pack only the essentials! This may seem obvious but not always easy. What I mean is pack only versatile clothing, pieces that can be styled more than once but create a totally different look. See examples below:

2. Leave the bulk at home. Do you have a favorite padded blazer, bulky sneakers or boots, a heavy lazy dress? These items are hard to fold, take up a lot of space and add a lot of weight to your bag. The option other is to wear your bulkiest items on travel day.

Packing travel tips

3. Size does matter! At least when it bag choice. You want to pick a sleek lightweight bag for a quick getaway to maximize internal space and cut down on the weight. Here are a few suggestions:

4. Bring only your mission critical toiletries! You will be surprised how fast this can add unnecessary weight. Yes, you need your basics: shampoo conditioner and deodorant. But do you really need a tub of nightly face cream, a full sized hair straightener or clippers or a whole Bath and Body Works gift set? A helpful hint is to make sure you follow TSA’s liquids rule, this will help make sure you don’t over do it. Click here.

TSA liquids rule

5. Last but not least: Keep an organized bag! You will be surprised how many items you can cram into a neat bag. This means fold tightly and use all spaces. I always stuff items in my sneakers or empty purses. Check out this article on the best travel fold!