City Vibes Survival Guide: Long Flights

Tip 1. Take Multiple Covid Exams

“Rather be safe than sorry”. If you plan on traveling, internationally take multiple covid exams prior to your departure.

My Christmas trip quickly turned sour when traveling from New York to Dubai with a layover in Amsterdam. Upon my arrival in Amsterdam, my covid test taken only 48 hours prior had expired. I had to stay at the Amsterdam airport for two days waiting for results from a new covid test. I should have taken multiple covid exams prior to my departure.

Tip 2. Do not sleep Prior to Your Flight

The night before your flight try not to go to sleep. That way you can sleep on the flight.

Many people think you should pack days in advance. I actually save my packing and cleaning for the night before a big trip. I stay up as long as possible getting little to no sleep. That way, I was able to sleep the majority of the flight.

Tip 3. Download Movies & Music

While longer flights offer movies and music, shorter flights might not have a wide selection. Prior to your flight download movies and music that will keep you entertained on your journey.

Tip 4. Bring Books

An airplane trip is a perfect time to finished off a book or start a new one. Do not forget to pack a few books for your flight.

Tip 5. Bring Snacks

While longer flights offer food and snacks shorter flights often give very little to flyers. Make sure to bring your favorite snacks so you can have something to nibble on during your journey.

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City Vibes: Travel Hack! Here are 5 Tips For Surviving A Long Flight. ##travel ##traveltip ##jetsetter ##summer♬ Funny Thing – Thundercat